Friday, January 6, 2012

Food woes on the j.o.b.

Yes folks, you heard it right. J.O.B.

I got one.



It's going great so far, everyone's nice and welcoming, the facility is beautiful and they provide every single flavor of coffee a girl could dream of.  I'm on day 3 so not too much responsibility just yet, but we're getting there.

But this whole not being at home all day thing has seriously kicked my healthy eating progress in the hiney.  Know what I had for 'breakfast' today?  A peppermint mocha and a pop tart.

Sad. Face.

SO bad.  One package of pop tarts holds all of my daily allotted carbs, not to mention tons of calories and other things that are oh-so-bad for my body.  Sigh.

Christmas and new years didn't exactly go over so smoothly with the food thing, and as of a few days ago I hadn't lost anything more BUT I hadn't gained anything either.  As of this morning, I'm up 4lbs.

Really. Gigantic. Sad. Face.

Getting back on the horse that bucked me off (must've been spooked by the holidays) and having another go at this.